Huntington Beach Colored Concrete
Colored concrete is one of the most innovative and affordable ways to decorate your property. It can achieve the same magical finishes of expensive materials such as natural stone, clobber stone, flagstone, granite, wood, etc., at a fraction of the total cost involved. If handled by an experienced colored concrete contractor like the Huntington Beach Concrete Pros, your surfaces can be made even more presentable in a short period of time.
To let the best in the industry to handle your project, dial (714) 942-4406 now!
Hire Huntington Colored Concrete Experts
Our expert colored concrete team at Huntington Beach Concrete Pros boasts of professionals who have decades of experience in working various types of indoor and outdoor projects, both big and small. This is the reason why we are so confident of pulling off any project that is thrown at us with minimal to no fuss. Our skilled colleagues know the ins and outs of the latest colored concrete methods and can also suggest you with the one that suits your needs the most.
Four Types of Basic Colored Concrete Methods
Below mentioned are the four types of basic colored concrete methods we employ for decorating the outdoors and indoors of your property:
Stained Concrete Method
This method can be used to decorate your old as well as new surfaces equally well. The acid stains created during the process give your floors and walls an earthly tone that is hard to beat. Since the stains are created due to the penetration of the acids into the concrete layer and reacting with lime, they are permanent and never fade away. This is the reason why the stained concrete method is equally popular in both indoor and outdoor decorations. However, the range or the options of shades that can be achieved through this method are limited.
Integral Coloring Method
This method can only be used when you want to create a new concrete surface. It cannot be used to rejuvenate your old or an existing surface. Integral coloring involves adding the color pigments to the concrete during the mixing stage itself. It allows the colors to penetrate and spread out evenly throughout the mix without getting concentrated in one place. It makes this coloring method a long-lasting one and the colors thus achieved become an integral part of the surface and do not get worn away or chipped off.
Color Hardeners
When rightly done, colored concrete surfaces achieved through this method can be regarded as the best of the lot. Color hardeners used in this method can not only achieve the kind of looks you want, but they can also make your concrete surface stronger. Surfaces prepared using this method are wear and tear-resistant, and less prone to moisture and chemicals, thus ensuring a long colorful life for your surface.
Concrete Dyeing Method
If you are a fan of arts, graphics, or in fact, want the logo of your favorite rugby team etched on the surface of your living room, dyeing concrete method is what you want. Using this method gives the property owners a plethora of choice as far as colors and designs are concerned. However, dyeing concrete may not very suitable for your outdoor needs as the sunlight and UV rays can fade the colors.
Hence, it is always recommended to take the help of an expert colored concrete contractor to discuss the various options you have for your project.
If you want to know about how colored concrete can increase the curb appeal of your home and which method suits your property the best, call us on (714) 942-4406 now!